Dec 9-21, 2016
* The slots have been cut in the fuselage and the canopy for the lock. A metal slotted plate was added to the fuselage but not the canopy. The lock works well with no rubbing.
* The tubular spacers for centering the nose wheel were made and installed. Then the nose wheel and strut were added to the engine mount. The fuselage is still supported at the rear though since an engine is still needed. That will get ordered very soon.
* The right wing tip was bonded back together straight and in line with the new flap & aileron. The trailing edge was pretty raged so flox has been added to form a new edge. It has not been sanded straight yet.
* The flap was removed to fill the leading edge as seen in the picture.
* I Bonded the wing tips onto each wing with a generous amount of flox and lots of screws to pull the flange faces together. This set for several days before the next step of laminating over the outside of the joint.
* With the help of Dave, (a member of EAA chapter 691), we laminated the wing tip joints. 2"wide strips, then 4", then 6". This was done to each wing, top & bottom. The pictures show Dave cutting the various strips of fiberglass and brushing on the epoxy. The top side is not to bad but the bottom is tough on older bodies. Dave did the left wing (after some instruction) and I did the right. Now they set to cure. It takes longer now since it is cold when the heaters are off.