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December 10th, 2015
* Permenantly (one can only hope) installed horizontal stabs with help from Thomas. All is straight with distance from top of vertical stab to horizontal stab tips = 59 3/8" each. Distance from fuselage top (above cockpit) = 110" each.
* Started making 5" lg steel elevator hinges. 3 are complete and 3 need holes (#10 ) drilled. (Drill bit wore out)
* Patio heaters are working very well. After about 20 min. they get turned down to low and the hanger stays nice.
* 3hrs

Stabs mounted
In this picture the mounting bolts through the spars can be seen.

In the process of making elevator hinges

Hinge Positioning
The hinge positions are being marked and recesses made for the elevator hinges

They go where?
Lloyd Hunt is questioning my measurements

Measure Twice

Cut Once
With fiberglass if you screw up you can fix it
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