January 29th & 30th, 2016
* On January 29th, the frame was attached to the hinges and the canopy was set in place for the first time. It is made extra-large so it can be custom fit. On initial placement, it gets marked around the perimeter corresponding to the middle of the frame's trough. Cutting the glass for the first time is a bit scary since I was worried about scratching the bubble or even cracking it. Not to worry, all went well as I chopped off about 1 1/2 inches with a Dremal diamond cutter in the die grinder. After the first cut it was back on to see where it really was going to fit. After locating and marking the middle of the trough again I cut off another inch. It fit great everywhere but the upper rear (latch area). 1/4" foam strips were bonded in with micro balloons and left to set until the next day.
* Sanded the foam spacing to shape
* With help, a slurry of flox was laid around the wide flange on the canopy frame and the glass was set in place. The glass gets pushed into the frame so the flox fills the voids and makes good contact with the frame and glass. Lots of popsicle sticks were used as shims and even a steel bar and my carpenters square. It was suggested that the square be left there for aerobatic reference. Lots of tape was used to secure in place since the glass wanted to slide forward. I had to crawl in and out of the front a lot. Flox squeezes and oozes up in the inside so it had to be wiped clean. 91% alcohol cleans it very well. The hardest part is to walk away and not fuss with it when it is done. This was a big millstone to get through. Next comes the skins.

At this stage the canopy is way big so it was marked around the edges and then cut off

After first cut let it settle and see where it really is. then mark again and cut again

Did we get it right?

Yes, we got it right. Now ready for protective tape

The frame sinks in here so filler needs added

I am checking to see if we got it right. My back is sore from climbing in and out of the firewall opening