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July 1-8, 2018

**  There are so many wires coming from the engine compartment that a second firewall feed-through was needed. Both are 1" holes that will get firesleeve pushed in the ports and around the wires when all wires are feed through. Wires from the three pressure sensors, and two e-mags still need made and installed.

**  I think the prop is on to stay, so it got safety wired on. Not an easy job to feed the heavy wire through the roll pins. wrap it in the right direction, spin the wire and finish it off. All while maintaining the torque of 65 ft/lbs. Thanks to JP, Los Alamos' resident AP/IA, for loaning the special tool to torque the 3/4" prop nuts.

**  Except for the few wires left to add, I think the firewall forward is complete. If there wasn't the delay in getting the correct engine that fit the prop, installing and fitting the cowl and baffling would have gone much easier. Installing the prop, then cowl, then baffle (instead of the other way around) would have helped me know where to cut for a tighter fit of the baffling and a less troublesome fit of the forward cowl openings. OH well, I've learned a lot, had fun, made progress, and that is what it is all about. I am very pleased with the way it has come out and everyone that sees it is impressed and wowed.

**  Everyone loves the Lightning and are anxious to see it fly and to find out how it preforms. ME TOO!

**  Still a long way to go though. Now on to the most daunting (for me) part of the project. Electrical and electronics. Lots of wires. Where do they go? Where do I place the components? And then there is the interior.


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