January 17th, 2016
* The rudder recessed area has been sanded and the swivel eyelets added.
* Trimmed elevator trim tab upper skin to fit lower skin
* bonded the elevator trim tab hinge to right elevator
* Sanded the filled voids on the canopy frame and then refilled for a smooth finish after sanding (later). Lots of itchy work
* Sanded the interior of the fuselage to remove sharp pointy things
*** Doesn't look like much but it was a 9 hour day. I also had a few visitors that took up a couple of hours.

Sanded and refilled for more sanding the next time

Getting tired of sanding but it has only just begun

This should smooth out nicely once it has hardened

Trim tab hinge is bonded in place.

The upper and lower trim tab skins with hinge attached

Added the rudder cable swivel eyelets and sanded the recessed area that was previously filled with micro balloons