Aug 7-Sept 9, 2017
* I've been busy. I've continued to work on the baffling, snorkel and air cleaner mount. I added vent hoses directed at the magnetos. Decided where and how to mount the inner right side vertical baffle and riveted it on. I added the master contactor and starter solenoid to the firewall and connected them with a solid copper bar. The gascolator was mounted to the firewall and connected to the mechanical fuel pump with a fire-sleeved hose. An adaptor was added to the mechanical fuel pump at its exit so that the hose for the fuel pressure gage could be connected. The Van's sensor manifold was mounted to the upper surface of the firewall recess and the hoses for the fuel pressure, manifold pressure, and oil pressure were connected. A 1” diameter fire-sleeve firewall pass-through for electrical wires was added. The new stainless-steel cabin heat box was added to the firewall. The brake fluid reservoir was added to the firewall and connected. With lots of help and a half day of effort was needed to bleed the brakes and get all the air out of the cylinders. They are good now with nice firm pressure at the peddles. For fire protection, I decided that I will slide fire-sleeve over the plastic reservoir. This was a solution to satisfy one of my technical counselors after much discussion on firewall forward fire suppression.
* With the help of Sheriden we decided where to cut and mount the control cables on the instrument panel. So, we did it.
* To decide where all the items on the firewall should go they were trial placed with tape then marked with a Sharpie. Once that was all done the engine was unbolted at the firewall and removed.

Helping me decide where to place the cables