Dec 18-21, 2018
** The Odyssey battery was added into the tailcone for balance purposes. The CG was to far forward with the light weight lithium battery just behind the seat. Instead of adding dead weight in back, the heavier battery was a good option. The rails it is mounted to are epoxy/floxed to the side wall and then recessed screws through the fuselage add an extra security. the battery weighs 14.5 lbs, so the mount must hold at least 3.5 times that, (50.75lbs). I used zero gauge wire for low resistance and a bit more weight. For now I plan to leave the lithium battery box in place. Maybe as a spare for emergency use.
** I think the instrument panel is done, complete with all the labels. Now all I have to do is configure everything. I still want to touch up all the nicks in the red paint around the panel though.