January 28th, 2016
* Filled the elevator trim tab corners and closed off the open ends the day before. Today I sanded it all to shape. It is looking pretty good. It is now the right thickness and all the edges are smooth and straight. I got the rounded corner matching the left side pretty close too. I cut wood strips to have a 1/8" offset so it would control the canopy frame. They were screwed to the fuselage sides
* After setting the frame in place the hinges had to be bent to be perpendicular with the frame. This is very time consuming since it has to be done right the first time. Once that was done the L brackets had to be made. This is even more time consuming than bending the hinges. Cut and fit, cut and fit, cut and fit. The first one turned into scrap but the other two came out good and fit like a glove. I couldn't find the correct countersink screws so I temporarily used hex hd bolts to attach the brakes to the hinge arms. So the brackets don't warp the frame when the screws are tightened down a flox seat is molded to fit the frame contour. After the flox hardens the brakes will be removed and trimmed of the sharp corners. Then the brackets will be screwed to the frame.
*** This was about 6 hours of work

Things will look a lot better when it gets painted

The slot for the push rod from the servo still needs to be cut in.

The wooden blocks set the gap at 1/8"

I've got to get a selfie in once in a while

The right hinge wasn't so perfect the first time so I did it again. Perfect fit now.

So that the brackets don't warp the frame when the screws are tightened down a flox seat is molded to fit the frame contour.